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Shuffle! takes place in a world where humans coexist with gods and demons. The story follows Rin Tsuchimi, a kind-hearted high school student whose life is turned upside down when two beautiful girls — Lisianthus, the daughter of the King of the Gods, and Nerine, the daughter of the King of the Demons — enter his life. Both girls are vying for Rin’s affection, each representing the hopes of their respective realms for an alliance with the human world. Caught in a love triangle, Rin navigates the complexities of romance, friendship, and duty, with several other girls from his past and present also developing feelings for him. Shuffle! blends fantasy, romance, and drama, exploring themes of destiny and choice in a colorful, supernatural setting. This anime appeals to fans of romantic-comedy and supernatural genres, making it a memorable and emotional watch that keeps viewers engaged with unexpected twists and heartfelt moments.


D.C.~Da Capo~ Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Ai Yori Aoshi DearS



Eustoma, Lisianthus Fuyou, Kaede Nerine Primula
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