Colorful Stage! The Movie: A Miku Who Can't Sing

Project Sekai Movie: Kowareta Sekai to Utaenai Miku

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The story follows Ichika Hoshino, a high school singer who, after hearing a song by Hatsune Miku that she has never heard before, finds herself in a fragmented world where Miku cannot sing. Together, they embark on a new adventure filled with challenges and emotions. Directed by Hiroyuki Hata and written by Yonaiyama Yoko, the film features character designs by Akiyama Yuki and secondary character designs by Tsuji Masatoshi. The animation production is handled by P.A. Works, known for their work on titles like Shirobako.


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Hatsune, Miku Hoshino, Ichika Akiyama, Mizuki Aoyagi, Touya
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