Hungry Heart: Wild Striker

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Hungry Heart: Wild Striker is an exciting sports anime that follows the journey of Kyosuke Kano, a high school student living in the shadow of his famous older brother, Seisuke, a professional soccer player. Frustrated with constant comparisons, Kyosuke initially gives up on soccer, but his passion for the sport is reignited after joining his new school’s soccer team. With his natural talent and determination, Kyosuke quickly becomes a key player, helping the team pursue victory in regional and national tournaments. Packed with intense soccer matches, personal growth, and team spirit, Hungry Heart: Wild Striker explores themes of self-identity, perseverance, and the drive to step out of a sibling’s shadow. Perfect for fans of sports anime, this series captures the thrill of competition and the challenges of pursuing one's dreams.


One Piece Tennis no Oujisama



Jefferson, Kouji Sakai Kanou, Kyousuke Rodrigo Tsujiwaki, Miki
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