DearS is a romantic comedy and sci-fi anime that revolves around the arrival of an alien race known as the DearS on Earth. After their spaceship crash-lands in Japan, the DearS are integrated into human society. The story follows Takeya Ikuhara, a high school student who unexpectedly encounters Ren, a DearS girl, and becomes her "master." Despite her limited understanding of human customs, Ren quickly becomes devoted to Takeya, leading to comedic and romantic situations.
As Takeya and Ren navigate their developing relationship, the anime explores themes of love, belonging, and cultural differences between humans and aliens. DearS blends humor, romance, and science fiction as it showcases the daily life of Ren learning to adapt to human society, while Takeya learns about the true nature of the DearS.
With its mix of fanservice, lighthearted romance, and sci-fi elements, DearS appeals to fans of romantic comedies with an extraterrestrial twist, offering both laughter and heartfelt moments.