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Chobits is a beloved romantic comedy anime set in a world where humans live alongside humanoid robots known as "Persocoms." The story follows Hideki Motosuwa, a struggling student who stumbles upon an abandoned Persocom in the form of a beautiful girl. When he activates her, she can only say the word "Chi," leading Hideki to name her Chi and take her home. As Hideki teaches Chi about the world, he discovers that she may be a rare, highly advanced Persocom with mysterious origins. The series explores the evolving relationship between Hideki and Chi, raising questions about the nature of love, identity, and the boundaries between humans and technology. Along the way, Hideki faces humorous situations, personal growth, and the emotional challenges of living with Chi. With its charming mix of romance, comedy, and heartfelt moments, Chobits appeals to fans of both slice-of-life and science fiction anime. The series offers a thought-provoking take on what it means to love in a world where technology blurs the lines between machine and human.


DearS Ai Yori Aoshi Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer



Chii Motosuwa, Hideki Anata Atashi dake no Hito
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